Customer Research that informs creativity.

Want insightful Customer Research?

We have partnered with an award-winning research agency to bring this key service to clients.

They deliver unique research methods that help businesses become more successful through embedded insight.
They are set up to learn and study across social and behavioural sciences.

This learning is turned into new approaches and methods. Every project is designed according to what clients need.
We believe in embedding insight into business from day one of the project and all our methods are designed with that in mind.


-All types of filmed in person and remote depths & group discussions using projective & enabling techniques:
we deliver deep qual.

-Methods inspired by the social sciences: design thinking, game-playing and experiments.

-In-the-moment studies: micro-anthropology; observations & intercepts; fixture filming.

-Mobile methods: diaries and task-based activities.

-On-line research communities large and small, short and long-term using on-line platforms,
bulletin boards and screen sharing technologies.

-Co creation and creative workshops bringing clients, customers and other experts together
longer term studies using diaries; re-contacts and re-visits to respondents.

-Fully integrated qualitative and quantitative studies customer closeness.

-Training and workshops for new researchers, students and clients.

Get in touch

For customer research reach out.

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